The Indy Bag Ladies are one of the oldest HIV/AIDS fundraising organizations in the country. The Bag Ladies started in 1981 when a group of friends decided to start a Bus Tour to bars and restaurants in Indianapolis to raise money for patients who had been diagnosed with a new disease (HIV/AIDS). The Bag Ladies continue to raise money for the Gregory Powers Direct Emergency Financial Assistance (DEFA) Fund in addition to raising funds for other non-profit organizations.

Indy Pride, Inc. exists to unite and serve its members and the LGBTQ community of Central Indiana through leadership development, educational and support programs, and community events that achieve inclusivity, equality, strong community connections, and awareness of LGBTQ issues.

In existence since 1995, Indy Pride, Inc. has been the parent organization of a summer festival by various names, plus year-round events and activities since the mid-2020’s.

The Bell Flower Clinic provides inexpensive testing and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) as well as support for those who have been diagnosed with an STD.

Services are provided for walk-in and scheduled appointments (see website for details) plus testing services, each Wednesday, at Gregs.

Step-Up, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit agency founded in 2003 by two community members who saw the effects of HIV on their family, friends, and neighbors and decided to do something about it.

Step-Up is focused on improving the health of underserved and marginalized communities by meeting clients where they are at, opposing inequity and stigma, and empowering individuals.

Founded in 1987, Damien Center is Indiana’s oldest and largest HIV/AIDS service organization and serves more than 8,000 individuals living with or at risk for HIV through a comprehensive, innovative approach to HIV care and prevention.